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Cambridge University Press
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May 2012
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Alongside existing regimes for victim redress at the national and international levels, in the coming years international criminal law and, in particular, the International Criminal Court, will potentially provide a significant legal framework through which the harm caused by egregious conduct can be addressed. Drawing on a wealth of comparative experience, Conor McCarthy's study of the Rome Statute's regime of victim redress provides a comprehensive exploration of this framework, examining both its reparations regime and its scheme for the provision of victim support through the ICC Trust Fund. The study explores, in particular, whether the creation of a regime of victim redress has a role to play as part of a system for the administration of international criminal justice and, more generally, whether it has such a role alongside other regimes, at the national and international levels, by which the harm suffered by victims of egregious conduct may be redressed.


'… a thorough and accurate guide on the Rome Statute’s redress scheme which will be valuable to both scholars and practitioners alike. The contextual reading of this redress regime, coupled with a deep knowledge of the international legal framework on the right to remedy and reparation, renders this study an original contribution to a developing topic.'

Valentina Spiga Source: Journal of International Criminal Justice

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