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  • Cited by 98
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2010
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Book description

In Remembering Reconsidered, the new ecologically oriented study of memory makes contact with more traditional approaches. The emerging result may be what several of the authors have begun to call 'functionalism': a concern with the adaptive significance of memory in ordinary life coupled with a careful analysis of the variables on which it depends. In different ways, the chapters reflect this concern. The editors bring together a diverse collection of studies on remembering, using subjects ranging from folk songs to 'crib talk'. Introductory chapters weave these themes together, developing an underlying sense of the project of the volume as a whole. This is the second volume in the Emory Symposia on Cognition. The Emory Cognition Project, directed by Ulric Neisser, emphasizes an ecological approach to problems in theoretical, experimental, and applied cognitive psychology.


'As is demonstrated by Remembering Reconsidered, the ecological approach has clearly served the admirable purposes of expanding the scope of memory research and providing the psychological study of memory with a base in naturalistic observation that it lacked previously.'

Source: Science

'Remembering Reconsidered, shows how the ecological approach is significantly reshaping our ideas about the psychology of memory.'

Source: Contemporary Psychology

'The contributions to Remembering Reconsidered are of uniformly high quality and contain a wealth of new facts about manifestations of memory in various real-world contexts.'

Source: Science

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