- Cited by 9
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
1996. Western-Language Works on T'ang Studies, 1995. Tang Studies, Vol. 1996, Issue. 14, p. 159.
Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen 2010. The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature.
Owen, Stephen 2010. The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. p. 286.
Lee, Jung H. 2013. The Rhetoric Of Context. Journal of Religious Ethics, Vol. 41, Issue. 4, p. 555.
Flowers, James 2016. Reconfiguring East Asian Modernity. Asian Medicine, Vol. 11, Issue. 1-2, p. 61.
Trauzettel, Rolf and Kubin, Wolfgang 2020. Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL). p. 1.
YAN, Hanjin 2023. Modernizing Classical Poetics and Cultural Traditions: Wu Mi's Enterprise of Rewriting George Gordon Byron. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Vol. 35, Issue. 2, p. 262.
Jiang, Xiaohu 2024. Qian Zhongshu’s continuation and expansion of Lessing’s Laokoon. Journal of European Studies, Vol. 54, Issue. 3, p. 249.
Stirpe, Luca 2024. Il dono dell’airone. Vol. 3, Issue. , p. 109.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- November 2009
- Print publication year:
- 1995
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511551390
- Subjects:
- Literature, East Asian History, Area Studies, Asian Literature, Asian Studies