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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2009
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The reciprocity theorem has been used for over 100 years to establish interesting and useful relations between different loading states of a body. This book discusses current and novel uses of reciprocity relations for the determination of elastodynamic fields. The author, who is internationally distinguished for his contributions to theoretical and applied mechanics, presents a novel method to solve for wave fields, shedding new light on the use of reciprocity relations for dynamic fields in an elastic body. The material presented in the book is relevant to several fields in engineering and applied physics. Examples are ultrasonics for medical imaging and non-destructive evaluation, acoustic microscopy, seismology, exploratory geophysics, structural acoustics, and the response of structures to high-rate loads and the determination of material properties by ultrasonic techniques.


'… this book provides a good basis for research workers in such fields who want to develop their knowledge in reciprocity formulations in elastodynamics.'

Source: ZAMM

'This book is a delight to read. No matter how complicated a particular reasoning or derivation may be, every step is explained with insight and clarity that make the material easily accessible and enjoyable for beginners and experts alike. High-quality copyediting, printing, and page layout by Cambridge University Press complement this impression. If there has ever been a page-turner written on elastodynamics, this is the one.'

Source: Journal of Sound and Vibration

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