- Cited by 6
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Chen, Tianyi and Tsourakakis, Charalampos E. 2024. Parallel Motif-Based Community Detection. p. 509.
Bonnet, Édouard Duron, Julien Sylvester, John Zamaraev, Viktor and Zhukovskii, Maksim 2024. Small but Unwieldy: A Lower Bound on Adjacency Labels for Small Classes. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 53, Issue. 5, p. 1578.
Glukhov, O.D. 2024. On the Connectivity of Quasi-random Graphs. Èlektronnoe modelirovanie, Vol. 46, Issue. 6, p. 3.
Komjáthy, Júlia Lapinskas, John Lengler, Johannes and Schaller, Ulysse 2024. Polynomial growth in degree-dependent first passage percolation on spatial random graphs. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 29, Issue. none,
Versteegen, Leo 2025. Upper Bounds for Linear Graph Codes. Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol. 66, Issue. 1,
Casse, Jérôme 2025. Siblings in d-dimensional nearest neighbour trees. Bernoulli, Vol. 31, Issue. 2,
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- March 2023
- Print publication year:
- 2023
- Online ISBN:
- 9781009260268