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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
January 2024
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Book description

The Psychology of Reading reviews what has been learned about skilled reading and dyslexia using research on one of the most important but often overlooked languages and writing systems – Chinese. It provides an overview of the Chinese language and writing systems, discusses what is known about the cognitive and neural processes that support the skilled reading of Chinese, as well as its development and impairment, and describes the computer models that have been developed to understand these topics. It is written in an accessible way to appeal to anyone with an interest in cognitive psychology, language, or education.


‘This timely book provides a valuable review of recent studies exploring the unique cognitive and brain mechanisms of Chinese reading. It is beneficial for researchers seeking to understand how the distinct properties of Chinese writing influence cognition and the brain.'

Xingshan Li - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

‘This book provides a great way to learn about the basics of Chinese reading, including expert processing, development and impairment of reading, and theoretical approaches. The relatively extensive exploration of computational modeling of reading across Chinese and English, together with background on the foundational cognitive-neuroscience studies informing and shaping such models, make for a fascinating and novel approach to the science of reading.'

Cammie McBride - Department of Human Development and Family Science, Purdue University

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