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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2010
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Why have some states in the developing world been more successful at facilitating industrialization than others? Challenging theories that privilege industrial policy and colonial legacies, this book focuses on state structure and the politics of state formation, arguing that a cohesive state structure is as important to developmental success as effective industrial policy. Based on a comparison of six Asian cases, including both capitalist and socialist states with varying structural cohesion, Tuong Vu proves that it is state formation politics rather than colonial legacies that have had decisive and lasting impacts on the structures of emerging states. His cross-national comparison of South Korea, Vietnam, Republican and Maoist China, and Sukarno's and Suharto's Indonesia, which is augmented by in-depth analyses of state formation processes in Vietnam and Indonesia, is an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of state formation and economic development in Asia.


'… the main strength of Paths to Development in Asia is its careful attention to how political organization and political discourse operated in the decade-and-a-half after the Second World War in Vietnam and Indonesia. In doing so, Vu demonstrates convincingly how accommodation, mass incorporation and elite compromise impeded the creation of effective developmental sates in these two countries.'

Source: South East Asia Research

'Paths to Development in Asia stands out for its attention to history and belief in its importance; for incorporating socialist states into the concept of developmental states, a valuable move; and for its depressing lessons - above all that successful developmental states are born in bloodbaths. It makes clear the contingency of democracy and the importance of a comparative historical approach.'

Scott L. Greer Source: Democratization

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