- Cited by 7
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Lowe, Jonathan 2005. Needs, Facts, Goodness, and Truth. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, Vol. 57, Issue. , p. 161.
Kock, Ned Hantula, Donald A. Hayne, Stephen C. Saad, Gad Todd, Peter M. and Watson, Richard T. 2008. Introduction to Darwinian Perspectives on Electronic Communication. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 51, Issue. 2, p. 133.
O’Donovan, Maeve M. 2010. Cognitive Diversity in the Global Academy: Why the Voices of Persons with Cognitive Disabilities are Vital to Intellectual Diversity. Journal of Academic Ethics, Vol. 8, Issue. 3, p. 171.
Ren, Huiming 2012. The Knowledge Intuition and the Ability Hypothesis. Dialogue, Vol. 51, Issue. 2, p. 313.
Diaz-Leon, E. 2016. Phenomenal concepts: Neither circular nor opaque. Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 29, Issue. 8, p. 1186.
Jackson, Frank 2023. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind. p. 175.
Lowe, Jonathan 2024. A Philosophy of Need. p. 240.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- August 2010
- Print publication year:
- 2003
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511550294
- Subjects:
- Philosophy: General Interest, Philosophy
- Series:
- Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements (53)