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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
May 2013
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Online ISBN:
African Studies (125)

Book description

Smith argues that citizenship creation and expansion is a pivotal part of political contestation in Africa today. Citizenship is a powerful analytical tool to approach political life in contemporary Africa because the institutional and structural reforms of the past two decades have been inextricably linked with the battle over the 'right to have rights'. Professor Lahra Smith's work advances the notion of meaningful citizenship, referring to the ways in which rights are exercised, or the effective practice of citizenship. Using data from Ethiopia and developing a historically informed study of language policy, ethnicity and gender identities, Smith analyzes the contestation over citizenship that engages the state, social movements and individuals in substantive ways. By combining original data on language policy in contemporary Ethiopia with detailed historical study and a focus on ethnicity, citizenship and gender, this work brings a fresh approach to Ethiopian political development and contemporary citizenship concerns across Africa.


'Smith examines the substantial expansion of what she calls ‘meaningful citizenship’ in the country since the 1970s, by which she means the actual exercise of rights inscribed in formal institutions but too often ignored … One particularly worthwhile chapter narrates the evolution of the role of ethnicity in Ethiopian politics and includes a nuanced analysis of the interaction between cultural norms and formal institutions in shaping the role of women in the country.'

Nicolas van de Walle Source: Foreign Affairs

'Ethiopia’s policies of ethnic federalism have generated a great deal of analysis and debate among scholars. Lahra Smith develops the concept of ‘meaningful citizenship’ to make a valuable intervention in these debates … Smith’s conception of ‘meaningful citizenship’ and attention to gender are valuable contributions to scholarship of Ethiopia and African politics, and her balanced accounts of Ethiopia’s history and politics provide a very useful introduction for students who are new to the Ethiopian case.'

Daniel Mains Source: African Studies Review

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Interview #52: Technical Expert, Oromiya Regional Education Bureau (REB), Addis Ababa/Finfinee, July 2003.
Interview #54: Official, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s (SNNPR) Regional Bureau of Education (REB), Awassa, June 2003.
Interview #58: Official, Gurage Zone Education Office (ZEO), Welkite, September 2003.
Interview #61: Head, Local/Regional NGO, Addis Ababa, September 2003.
Interview #64: Academic, Addis Ababa, September 2003.
Interview #65: NGO representative, Addis Ababa, October 2003.
Interview #66: Official, Siltie Zone Education Office (ZEO), Worabe, October 2003.
Interview #67: Official, Siltie Zone Education Office (ZEO), Worabe, October 2003.
Interview #71: Official, Benishangul Gumuz Information Bureau, Assosa, October 2003.
Interview #76: Official, Bale Zone Education Office (ZEO), Robe, October 2003.
Interview #85: Member of Parliament, Addis Ababa, November 2003.
Interview #87: Official, Oromiya Regional Education Bureau (REB), Addis Ababa/Finfinee, May 2003.
Interview #88: Academic, Addis Ababa, December 2003.
Interview #90: Representative, Siltie People’s Democratic Unity Party (SPDUP), Addis Ababa, December 2003.


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