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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
May 2013
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This book explains how the success of attempts to expand the boundaries of the postwar welfare state in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom depended on organized labor's willingness to support redistribution of risk and income among different groups of workers. By illuminating and explaining differences within and between labor union movements, it traces the historical origins of 'inclusive' and 'dual' welfare systems. In doing so, the book shows that labor unions can either have a profoundly conservative impact on the welfare state or act as an impelling force for progressive welfare reform. Based on an extensive range of archive material, this book explores the institutional foundations of social solidarity.


‘Oude Nijhuis’s book is a convincing and timely contribution to the contemporary debates on welfare state development. It highlights the gripping conflicts that, while dealing with seemingly tedious and technical features of welfare programs, reveal key differences in the welfare state preferences of labor and capital. This book opens new paths for further research.’

Matthieu Leimgruber - University of Geneva

‘Oude Nijhuis’s book is an essential contribution to our knowledge about welfare state formation … His most intriguing and eye-opening findings concern opposition to reform within organized labor - an issue that is virtually missing from the literature as an important empirical phenomenon or even a theoretical possibility. In Britain, most notably, it played a crucial role in stunting the welfare state. The research is entirely original, based as it is on a wealth of untapped primary sources, including archival sources from both the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. For this reason, even readers well versed in the literature on the British welfare state will be in for surprises. Those interested in the Netherlands, including Dutch readers, will find a deep trove of new knowledge about welfare state formation in that country as well.’

Peter Swenson - Charlotte Marion Saden Professor of Political Science, Yale University

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