- Cited by 8
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
d’Aspremont, Jean 2018. Global Justice, Human Rights and the Modernization of International Law. p. 163.
Quiroga-Villamarín, Daniel R. 2020. Domains of Objects, Rituals of truth: Mapping Intersections between International Legal History and the New Materialisms. International Politics Reviews, Vol. 8, Issue. 2, p. 129.
Heffes, Ezequiel 2022. Detention by Non-State Armed Groups under International Law.
Beck, Robert J 2023. Custom, Reconsidered: Lessons on Unwritten Rules from Professional Sports. International Studies Review, Vol. 26, Issue. 1,
Cárdenas, Fabián Pardo, Daniel and Barrera, Diego 2023. ¿De dónde viene ese derecho internacional? La implantación de creencias de inversión extranjera y protección ambiental en Latinoamérica. Vniversitas, Vol. 72, Issue. ,
Chimni, B S 2024. Three approaches to the 1951 convention: The case for a dialectical approach. Journal of Refugee Studies,
Cardona Vallès, Mariona 2024. Mineral Exploitation, Violence and International Law. p. 1.
Cardona Vallès, Mariona 2024. Mineral Exploitation, Violence and International Law. p. 273.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- October 2017
- Print publication year:
- 2017
- Online ISBN:
- 9781108375542