- Cited by 8
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Hegner, Stephen J. 2001. Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Vol. 2014, Issue. , p. 48.
Murphy, M. Lynne 2003. Semantic Relations and the Lexicon.
Hegner, Stephen J. 2003. Semantics in Databases. Vol. 2582, Issue. , p. 100.
Hirst, Graeme 2004. Handbook on Ontologies. p. 209.
Xia, Fei Palmer, Martha and Vijay-Shanker, K. 2005. AUTOMATICALLY GENERATING TREE ADJOINING GRAMMARS FROM ABSTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. Computational Intelligence, Vol. 21, Issue. 3, p. 246.
Hirst, Graeme 2009. Handbook on Ontologies. p. 269.
Kamp, Hans Van Genabith, Josef and Reyle, Uwe 2011. Handbook of Philosophical Logic. p. 125.
Alcina, Amparo 2024. ONTODIC. Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication,
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- April 2010
- Print publication year:
- 1994
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511663642