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Cambridge University Press
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August 2012
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This book argues that the colonial confrontation was central to the formation of international law and, in particular, its founding concept, sovereignty. Traditional histories of the discipline present colonialism and non-European peoples as peripheral concerns. By contrast, Anghie argues that international law has always been animated by the 'civilizing mission' - the project of governing non-European peoples, and that the economic exploitation and cultural subordination that resulted were constitutively significant for the discipline. In developing these arguments, the book examines different phases of the colonial encounter, ranging from the sixteenth century to the League of Nations period and the current 'war on terror'. Anghie provides a new approach to the history of international law, illuminating the enduring imperial character of the discipline and its continuing importance for peoples of the Third World. This book will be of interest to students of international law and relations, history, post-colonial studies and development studies.


'…a particularly important [book] for international lawyers, scholars and activists to read.'

Source: American Journal of International Law

'Anghie's narrative venture at reading the devastating histories of the making of the ‘modern’ and ‘contemporary’ international law, relations, and organization remains especially compelling. He brings home the roles of imperialism in full play, and war, in the contemporary remake of international law.’

Source: Leiden Journal of International Law

'Anghie makes an important contribution to the field of international law.’

Source: Law and Politics Book Review

'… much of this book will be of great interest beyond the discipline of international law - particularly to scholars of international relations, and post-colonial and development studies … an excellent and most welcome contribution'

Source: European Journal of International Law

'…argued meticulously and compellingly and should be required reading for all scholars of international law.'

Source: Modern Law Review

`Imperialism, Sovereignty and International Law is a work of expert scholarship that is simultaneously accessible and engaging. It inspires a questioning of our assumptions about international law about the motivations for our own work. It should be read by anyone interested in the future of international law.’

Sydney Law Review

`…Anghie's book is a thoroughgoing account that gives voice to sentiments that seldom see the light of day, let alone are adjudged worthy of dissemination by a prestigious press. The rereading of international law is a useful corrective to conventional perspectives that normalize subjugation and its rationalization by any means necessary'

Law and Society Review

`Anghie's book lays out an excellent argument for the colonial background of international law and its institutions, and it does so with numerous fresh insights and clear command of a wide range of materials'

Law and History Review.

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