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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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In the immediate future we are likely to witness significant developments in human genetic science. It is therefore of critical importance that Christian ethics engages with the genetics debate, since it affects not just the way we perceive ourselves and the natural world, but also has wider implications for our society. This book considers ethical issues arising out of specific practices in human genetics, including genetic screening, gene patenting, gene therapy, genetic counselling as well as feminist concerns. Genetics and Christian Ethics argues for a particular theo-ethical approach that derives from a modified version of virtue ethics, drawing particularly on a Thomistic understanding of the virtues, especially prudence or practical wisdom and justice. The book demonstrates that a theological voice is highly relevant to contested ethical debates about genetics.


'Deane-Drummond has read widely, and her bibliography is extensive.'

Source: Church Times

'The book covers an impressive amount of ground, including some topics that have received little attention from Christian ethicists. …Genetics and Christian Ethics is undoubtedly a valuable resource for anyone seriously interested in the issues with which it engages.'

Source: Theology

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