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  • Cited by 26
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2014
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This text covers fundamentals used in the navigation and guidance of modern aerospace vehicles, in both atmospheric and space flight. It can be used as a textbook supporting a graduate level course on aerospace navigation and guidance, a guide for self-study, or a resource for practicing engineers and researchers. It begins with an introduction that discusses why navigation and guidance ought to be considered together and delineates the class of systems of interest in navigation and guidance. The book then presents the necessary fundamentals in deterministic and stochastic systems theory and applies them to navigation. Next, the book treats optimization and optimal control for application in optimal guidance. In the final chapter, the book introduces problems where two competing controls exercise authority over a system, leading to differential games. Fundamentals of Aerospace Navigation and Guidance features examples illustrating concepts and homework problems at the end of all chapters.


'The theory and applications of optimization and optimal guidance are well presented, followed by an interesting section on differential game theory accompanied by several classical examples … The authors develop the equations for various problems in navigation and guidance to lead readers through the necessary thought process to develop their applications … This book is appropriate for seniors, graduate students, or professionals wanting to gain an understanding of these complex topics.'

D. B. Spencer Source: Choice

'It is a pleasure for me to review this book written by [Professor] Kabamba and [Professor] Girard, and, as a former Ph.D. student of the late [Professor] Kabamba, it is also an honor … The material is presented in quintessential Kabamba fashion: simple and elegant. The key ideas are outlined very clearly at the end of every chapter so that the reader does not get lost in the details of the treatment … this book is an important addition to the topic of applied modern control systems, especially given the push toward greater autonomy for robotic systems in the near future. The authors have done an admirable job of piecing together the most important results from linear systems and optimal control theory in a clear and compact fashion and have shown the power of these methods via their application to aerospace navigation and guidance.'

Suman Chakravorty Source: IEEE Systems Control Magazine

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