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Cambridge University Press
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May 2011
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The most non-trivial of the established microscopic theories of physics is QCD: the theory of the strong interaction. A critical link between theory and experiment is provided by the methods of perturbative QCD, notably the well-known factorization theorems. Giving an accurate account of the concepts, theorems and their justification, this book is a systematic treatment of perturbative QCD. As well as giving a mathematical treatment, the book relates the concepts to experimental data, giving strong motivations for the methods. It also examines in detail transverse-momentum-dependent parton densities, an increasingly important subject not normally treated in other books. Ideal for graduate students starting their work in high-energy physics, it will also interest experienced researchers wanting a clear account of the subject.


"This book fills a gap and provides a detailed and pedagogical exposition of an important aspect of perturbative QCD."
Stefan Weinzierl, Mathematical Reviews

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