- Cited by 6
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Totoricagüena, Gloria 2005. Book Reviews. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 13, Issue. 1, p. 107.
Knippenberg, Hans 2006. The changing relationship between state and church/religion in the Netherlands. GeoJournal, Vol. 67, Issue. 4, p. 317.
Amiraux, Valérie 2007. Islam in Europe. p. 183.
Tziampiris, Aristotle 2009. Turkey's Accession to the European Union. p. 65.
Öner, Selcen 2009. Turkey’s Membership to the EU in Terms of “Clash of Civilizations”. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol. 20, Issue. 3-4, p. 245.
Yilmaz, Ihsan Demir, Mustafa and Morieson, Nicholas 2021. Religion in Creating Populist Appeal: Islamist Populism and Civilizationism in the Friday Sermons of Turkey’s Diyanet. Religions, Vol. 12, Issue. 5, p. 359.
- Publisher:
- Amsterdam University Press
- Online publication date:
- January 2021
- Print publication year:
- 2004
- Online ISBN:
- 9789048505371