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  • Cited by 90
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2009
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Are you fully up-to-speed on today's modern spectrum management tools? As regulators move away from traditional spectrum management methods, introduce spectrum trading and consider opening up more spectrum to commons, do you understand the implications of these developments for your own networks? This 2007 book was the first to describe and evaluate modern spectrum management tools. Expert authors offer insights into the technical, economic and management issues involved. Auctions, administrative pricing, trading, property rights and spectrum commons are all explained. A series of real-world case studies from around the world is used to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches adopted by different regulators, and valuable lessons are drawn from these. This concise and authoritative resource is a must-have for telecom regulators, network planners, designers and technical managers at mobile and fixed operators and broadcasters, and academics involved in the technology and economics of radio spectrum.

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Further reading
Further reading
Chapters 2 and 3
M. Schwartz, Mobile Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
K. Siwiak and D. McKeown, Ultra-wideband Radio Technology, Wiley, 2004.
W. Webb, Wireless Communications: The Future, Wiley, 2007.
Chapter 4
M. Cave, “Review of Radio Spectrum Management: an independent review for Department of Trade and Industry and HM Treasury”, March 2002, available at
“The Federal Communications Commission report to congress on spectrum auctions”, Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau WT Docket No. 97–150, 30 September 1997, available at
Chapter 5
There is a large literature on the theory and practice of spectrum auctions. The following are very good accounts of contemporary spectrum auction analysis:
P. Cramton, “Spectrum Auctions”, in Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, M. Cave, S. Majumdar and I. Vogelsang (eds)., Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.V., 2002, chapter 14, pp. 605–639.
P. Milgrom, Putting Auction Theory to Work, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
P. Klemperer, Auctions: Theory and Practice, Princeton University Press, 2004.
The following report offers a detailed insight into the 3G spectrum auction held in the UK in 2000:
“The Auction of Radio Spectrum for the Third Generation of Mobile Telephones”, report by the comptroller and auditor general, HC 233, Session 2001–2002: 19 October 2001. Available at–02/0102233.pdf.
The following article is a seminal contribution and an excellent read:
W. Vickrey, “Counterspeculation, auctions, and competitive sealed tenders”, Journal of Finance, 16, 8–37, 1961.
Chapter 6
The seminal contribution is:
R. Coase, “The Federal Communications Commission”, Journal of Law and Economics, II, 1–40, 1959.
See also
R. Coase, “The problem of social cost”, Journal of Law and Economics, 3, 1–44, 1960.
A comprehensive report on secondary trading of radio spectrum was undertaken for the European Commission and published in 2004:
Analysys, DotEcon and Hogan & Hartson, “Study on conditions and options in introducing secondary trading of radio spectrum in the European Community”, final report for the European Commission, May 2002. Available at
M. Cave, “Review of Radio Spectrum Management: an independent review for Department of Trade and Industry and HM Treasury”, March 2002.
T. Hazlett, “Assigning property rights to radio spectrum users: why did Federal Communications Commission license auctions take 67 years?”, Journal of Law and Economics, 41(2), 529–575, 1998.
Ofcom, “A Statement on Spectrum Trading Implementation in 2004 and beyond”, August 2004.
P. Spiller and C. Cardilli, “Towards a Property Rights approach to Communications Spectrum”, Yale Journal on Regulation, 16, 53–83, 1999.
T. Valletti, “Spectrum Trading”, Telecommunications Policy, 25, 655–670, 2001.
L. White, “ ‘Propertyzing’ the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Why It's Important, and How to Begin”, in J. A. Eisenach and R. J. May (eds.), Communications, Deregulation and Federal Communications Commission Reform: Finishing the Job, Kluwer, 2001.
Chapter 7
See, where a range of information including a consultation and a detailed report on Spectrum Usage Rights can be found.
Chapter 8
R. Coase, “The Federal Communications Commission”, Journal of Law and Economics, 1959.
R. Coase, “The problem of social cost”, Journal of Law and Economics, 3, 1–44, 1960.
T. Hazlett, “The spectrum allocation debate: an analysis”, IEEE Internet Computing, Sept/Oct 2006, pp. 52–58.
G. Faulhaber, “The future of wireless telecommunications: spectrum as a critical resource”, Information Economics and Policy, 2006.
Chapter 10
T. Hazlett, “The Wireless Craze, The Unlimited Bandwidth Myth, The Spectrum Auction Faux Pas, and the Punchline to Ronald Coase's ‘Big Joke’: An Essay on Airwave Allocation Policy”, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, Spring 2001.
Chapters 11 and 12
“An Economic Study To Review Spectrum Pricing”, Indepen, Aegis Systems and Warwick Business School, February 2004, available at
Chapters 13 and 14
See where the Ofcom Spectrum Framework Review and related material can be found.
Y. Benkler, “The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom”, Yale University Press, April 2006. (A complete PDF of the book is freely downloadable on the wiki of the book and is available under a Creative Commons Noncommercial Sharealike license.)
Y. Benkler, “Some Economics of Wireless Communications”, 16 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, 25 (Fall 2002).
Kevin Werbach, “Open Spectrum: The New Wireless Paradigm”,
Chapter 15
M. Cave, “Independent review of major spectrum holding”, HMSO, 2005.
Chapter 16
B. Wellenius and I. Neto, “The radio spectrum: opportunities and challenges for the developing world”, INFO, 2, 18–33, 2006.
INFODEV/International Telecommunications Union ICT Regulation Toolkit, Module 5: Radio Spectrum management available at


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