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Cambridge University Press
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June 2012
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This is the substantially revised and restructured second edition of Ron Shone's successful advanced textbook Economic Dynamics. The book provides detailed coverage of dynamics and phase diagrams, including: quantitative and qualitative dynamic systems, continuous and discrete dynamics, linear and non-linear systems and single equation and systems of equations. It illustrates dynamic systems using Mathematica, Maple V and spreadsheets. It provides a thorough introduction to phase diagrams and their economic application and explains the nature of saddle path solutions. The second edition contains a new chapter on oligopoly and an extended treatment of stability of discrete dynamic systems and the solving of first-order difference equations. Detailed routines on the use of Mathematica and Maple are now contained in the body of the text, which now includes advice on the use of Excel and additional examples and exercises throughout. Supporting website contains solutions manual and learning tools.


"This book is written primarily for undergraduates in economics who have a good grasp of mathematics and computing...the chapters are well chosen and the book is an excellent read." Computing Reviews

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