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  • Cited by 21
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

This 1999 book provides a concise introduction to the economic history of one of the major world powers. China is probably the only major economy for which it is still not certain whether modern economic growth at the aggregate level had taken hold by the middle of the twentieth century. This introductory analysis of the process of economic change in China from the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the twentieth looks at the nature of the traditional economy, covers the pressure it came under from both internal and external sources during the nineteenth century and assesses the evolution of modern features in the twentieth. With maps, tables and bibliography to guide the student, this concise study will provide an invaluable introduction to crucial aspects of Chinese history.


"...Richardson's work provides a rich overview of internal economic processes, in particular the dynamic of change generated by demographic change and market forces within Chinese industry and agriculture, which are critical inputs to understanding China's growth and development." Choice

"...Richardson's presentation of major hypotheses, theories, and debates are comprehensive, balanced, lucid and...acurate....the most commendable feature of the book is Richardson's consistent and able presentation and discussion of quantitative evidence and economic statistics for almost all the major issues on national income, agriculture, industry and international trade. This is no easy task as Chinese statistics are a source of controversy." EH.NET

"Examines the development of the Chinese economy over the period 1800-1950, exploring the dynamics of the process of change and the emergence of modern features within the Chinese economy." Journal of Economic Literature

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