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How did the first female voters cast their ballots? For almost 100 years, answers to this question have eluded scholars. Counting Women's Ballots employs new data and novel methods to provide insights into whether, how, and with what consequences women voted in the elections after suffrage. The analysis covers a larger and more diverse set of places, over a longer period of time, than has previously been possible. J. Kevin Corder and Christina Wolbrecht find that the extent to which women voted and which parties they supported varied considerably across time and place, challenging attempts to describe female voters in terms of simple generalizations. Many women adapted quickly to their new right; others did not. In some cases, women reinforced existing partisan advantages; in others, they contributed to dramatic political realignment. Counting Women's Ballots improves our understanding of the largest expansion of the American electorate during a transformative period of American history.


Winner, 2017 Victoria Schuck Award, American Political Science Association


'J. Kevin Corder and Christina Wolbrecht’s superb, award-winning book provides a masterly account of voting after the addition of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution … The authors’ exacting techniques and thorough analyses contribute decisive answers to long-standing questions, making this a landmark book.'

Source: The Journal of American History

'This important and compelling book should be of interest to scholars of gender and politics, voting behavior, and party realignment during the Progressive Era and New Deal. It sheds light on a crucial period of voting in America.'

Source: Journal of Politics

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  • 1 - Counting Women’s Ballots
    pp 1-34
  • 7 - Female Voters and the “Rum and Religion” Election of 1928
    pp 189-217


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