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Cambridge University Press
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March 2012
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Conciliarism is one of the oldest and most essential means of decision-making in the history of the Christian church. Indeed, as a leading Orthodox theologian Alexander Schmemann states, 'Before we understand the place and the function of the council in the church, we must, therefore, see the church herself as a council.' Paul Valliere tells the story of councils and conciliar decision-making in the Christian church from earliest times to the present. Drawing extensively upon the scholarship on conciliarism which has appeared in the last half-century, Valliere brings a broad ecumenical perspective to the study and shows how the conciliar tradition of the Christian past can serve as a resource for resolving conflicts in the church today. The book presents a conciliarism which involves historical legacy, but which leads us forward, not backward, and which keeps the church's collective eyes on the prize - the eschatological kingdom of God.


'… fascinating …'

Source: Church Times

'Valliere has written a wise and distinguished book that deserves to be pondered by all concerned for the unity and integrity of the Church and of Anglicanism in particular. It is marked by a clear and robust style, elegantly and often epigrammatically phrased.'

Source: Journal of Anglican Studies

'I cannot think of a more valuable book in recent scholarship that combines theology and history with practical advice for church unity.'

Source: Reviews in Religion and Theology

'Paul Valliere’s impressive and engaging Conciliarism: A History of Decision-Making in the Church … should be read and seriously considered by anyone concerned with the problem of authority within Anglicanism.'

Source: The Living Church

'How to create legitimacy at the universal level for a group of distinct autonomous churches will be a question high on the agenda of the next archbishop of Canterbury. The suggestions offered in this fascinating and often tantalizing book might feasibly offer him a degree of hope for the future.'

Source: Sewanee Theological Review

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