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  • Cited by 16
  • 3rd edition
  • Vaughan Monamy, Australian Catholic University, North Sydney
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2017
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Book description

An essential book for all those who conduct animal-based research or are involved in education and training, as well as regulators, supporters, and opponents alike. This fully updated third edition includes discussion of genetically altered animals and associated welfare and ethical issues that surround the breeding programmes in animal based research. The book discusses the origins of vivisection, the advances in human and non-human welfare made possible by animal experimentation, moral objections, and alternatives to the use of animals in research. It also examines the regulatory umbrella under which experiments are conducted in Europe, USA and Australasia. The author highlights the future responsibilities of researchers who will be working with animals, and offers practical advice on experimental design, literature search, consultation with colleagues, and the importance of the ongoing search for alternatives.


'Animal Experimentation: A Guide to the Issues provides a succinct, accessible, and balanced introduction to the controversy surrounding the use of animals in scientific research, product testing, and education. The latest edition brings the guide up-to-date on a host of developments with respect to legislation, alternative methods, and other topics. The guide’s coverage of relevant issues is international in scope, so readers outside of the author’s home country (Australia) should not feel ignored. This introduction is especially suited to students planning to begin careers in the biological sciences, including as researchers, veterinarians, teachers, regulators, or administrators.'

Martin Stephens - Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

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