Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Early Irish reforming synods
- Henry II (1154-89)
- Richard I (1189-99)
- John (1199-1216)
- Henry III (1216-72)
- Edward I (1272-1307)
- Edward II (1307-27)
- Edward III (1327-77)
- Richard II (1377-99)
- Henry IV (1399-1413)
- Henry V (1413-22)
- Henry VI (1422-61)
- Edward IV (1461-83)
- Richard III (1483-5)
- Henry VII (1485-1509)
- Henry VIII (1509-47)
- Edward VI (1547-53)
- Mary I (1553-8)
- Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
- James I (1603-25)
- Charles I (1625-49)
- Charles II (1649/60-85)
- James II (1685-90)
- The council of Dublin, 1084
- The papal bull Laudabiliter, 1155
- Irish bishops as suffragans in England and abroad
- The Armagh registers
- Roman Catholic (recusant) synods in Ireland, 1600-90
- Bibliography
- Index of sources
- Index of references
- Index of names and places
- Index of subjects
John (1199-1216)
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 January 2024
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Early Irish reforming synods
- Henry II (1154-89)
- Richard I (1189-99)
- John (1199-1216)
- Henry III (1216-72)
- Edward I (1272-1307)
- Edward II (1307-27)
- Edward III (1327-77)
- Richard II (1377-99)
- Henry IV (1399-1413)
- Henry V (1413-22)
- Henry VI (1422-61)
- Edward IV (1461-83)
- Richard III (1483-5)
- Henry VII (1485-1509)
- Henry VIII (1509-47)
- Edward VI (1547-53)
- Mary I (1553-8)
- Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
- James I (1603-25)
- Charles I (1625-49)
- Charles II (1649/60-85)
- James II (1685-90)
- The council of Dublin, 1084
- The papal bull Laudabiliter, 1155
- Irish bishops as suffragans in England and abroad
- The Armagh registers
- Roman Catholic (recusant) synods in Ireland, 1600-90
- Bibliography
- Index of sources
- Index of references
- Index of names and places
- Index of subjects
The council of Dublin, 1202
Convened by John of Salerno, papal legate in Ireland. The council probably considered the disputed succession to the archbishopric of Armagh, where there were rival English and Irish candidates. Despite the king's support for Ralph Petit, archdeacon of Meath216 and the pope's expressed preference for a candidate of neither English nor Irish extraction, victory eventually went to the Irish candidate, Eugenius.
The council of Athlone, 1202
This was also presided over by John of Salerno a fortnight after the previous synod, and seems to have dealt with the disputed succession to the archbishopric ofTuam, which had previously passed by inheritance from father to son and was slated to go to a nephew ofCadla Ua Dubthaig (1167-1201). The papal legate summoned the suffragans of the province and got them to elect the prior of Saul, Felix Ua Ruanada instead, but he was never really accepted locally. Eventually he resigned his see (1235) and went to live as a monk in Dublin, where he died in 1238.
The council of Mullingar, 14 February 1206
Universis ecclesiae sanctae matris filiis praesentes litteras visuris Simon, Dei gratia Midensis ecclesiae minister humilis et Radulphus, eiusdem loci archidiaconus et G., prior de Duvelech [Duleek], salutem in Domino.
Ad universitatis vestrae notitiam volumus pervenire, quod cum causa quae vertebatur inter canonicos Sancti Thomae de Dublinia ex una parte et monachos de Beatitudine [Bective] ordinis Cisterciensis ex alia, super corpore Hugonis de Lasci, nobis a domino papa commissa fuisset audienda et fine canonico sublato appellationis diffugio terminanda, nos in causa ipsa, ordine iuris observato, procedentes, demum post multas et varias prolationes per testes omni exceptione maiores veritate diligenter inquisita, de meritis causae sufficienter et plene instructi, praesentibus viris auctenticis et religiosis, videlicet Eugenio Ardmachano archiepiscopo et Hiberniae primate, Felice Tuamensi archiepiscopo, Simoni Midensi, A. Alphinensi,. Duacensi episcopis; F. Cenanensi, X. de Novan, H. de Trim abbatibus, R[oberto] de Sancta Trinitate Dubliniae, H. de Favoria prioribus; et aliis discretis quampluribus et venerabilibus personis, anno ab incarnatione Domini MCCV, die sancti Valentini, apud Admulinger [Mullingar], in ecclesia parochiali dictis canonicis Sancti Thomae de Dublinia definitive sententiavimus et eisdem corpus memorati Hugonis de Lasci auctoritate apostolica quae fungebamur in causa sententialiter adiudicavimus.
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Records of Convocation , pp. 109 - 110Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2024