Bipolar affective disorder (BAD) in 50% cases, begins after 40 years, when the sexual dysfunction number rises. In hypomaniacal condition patients don't apply to sexologists, as they percieve sexual sphere changes as positive. But psychotropic therapy influences on intimate patient's life, causing genital reactions weakness, libido decrease and orgasm disappearence. Psychotropic therapy effect on the sexual function depends on sensity of a patient. We've described a patient P, 49 years old, with BAD. His complains went into clinical picture of sexual failure expectation syndrom, that have appeared after erectil dysfunction episode in time of psychotropic therapy (risperidone 0.012 per day, contemnol 0.6 per day). Patient interrupted this therapy independently and in order to prevent erectil dysfunction, began to intake the next mixture before intimacy: methyltestosterone 0.005 per intake, impaza 1 tab, johimbine 2 tab. Today, taking this therapy in combination with clopixol-depot 0.2 per month, contemnol 0.3 per day, cyclodol 0.002 per day, patient evaluates his erections as sufficient. But existing anxiety was the reason to visit sexologist. At reception he appeared hypomaniacal features with safety on the sufficient level libido. So, the psychotropic therapy, have been prescribed without taking into account it's sexual function influence, leads patient independently change basic therapy. This causes unobservance therapy regime and it's low effect on the main psychiatry disorder, delaying remission appearance. This has to be remembered by the doctor, prescribing psychotropic therapy, especially upporting one, in patients, suffering from BAD.