No. 1.
A number of Gentlemen having formed themselves into a Society, and opened a Subscription for the purpose of making a Settlement, on an eligible spot on the Coast of Africa, offer the following Proposals:
N. B. Subscriptions are received at Messrs. Biddulph, Cocks, Cocks, and Ridge, Charing-cross,857 where a list of the subscribers may be seen.
*͓* The Committee meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for the dispatch of business, at seven o’clock in the evening, No. 103 Hatton-garden, Holborn.
Signed by order of the Committee, H. H. Dalrymple.
Nov. 9, 1791, No. 103, Hatton-Garden.
No. 2.
Memorandum of Agreement, and Constitution of Government, for a Colony about to be established on or near the Island of Bulam, in Africa, as engrossed and signed on the ninth day of March, 1792.
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made this ninth day of March, in the thirty-third year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith; and in the year, of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two, between us the subscribers about to settle a colony on the island of Bulam, or on some other part on the coast of Africa, on the one part; and the settlers or purchasers of lands in the said colony, on the other part; that is to say, that we having for certain considerations granted to persons remaining in England, allotments of land in our said colony, who thereby become purchasers of the same from us, do hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with each other, and bind and oblige ourselves to the performance of all the covenants hereinafter contained. And we hereby further agree, that we, by our governor and council, viz. Henry Hew Dalrymple, Esquire, Governor; John Young, Esquire, Lieutenant-governor; Sir William Halton, Baronet, John King, Philip Beaver, Peter Clutterbuck, Clotworthy Upton, Francis Brodie, Charles Drake, John Paiba, Richard Hancorne, Robert Dobbin, and Isaac Ximenes, Esquires, Members of our said council, shall and will sign memoranda and grants of land within the said colony or settlement, upon the terms and in the proportions as herein after expressed;