We present GALEX ultraviolet (UV) emission results of star-formation in a small sample of nearby, gas-rich early-type galaxies. The first observational evidence of star-formation in this sample was presented by Leeuw et al.2008, using 350 μm continuum data. The measured far-infrared (far-IR) excess of these galaxies showed that the most likely and dominant heating source of the observed 350 μm continuum emission from dust is star-formation, that could have been triggered by an accretion or merger event. Consistent with starbursts that are less than 1 Gyr (e.g., Kaviraj 2010), the GALEX near-UV (NUV) minus SDSS r-band emission of the galaxies is < 5.5. The UV results corroborate those of mid-IR to radio data for the sample.