At the Annual General Meeting held on 23 June 1976 Prof. J. Z. Young, F.R.S. was elected as President and the Hon. Hugh Waldorf Astor, J.P., was re-appointed as Honorary Treasurer. The following were elected new members of Council for the period 1976–9: Prof. K. F. Bowden, Prof. R. B. Clark, Prof. J. M. Dodd, Dr R. H. Hedley and Prof. G. J. Hills. The Council wishes to record the great debt which the Association owes Sir Alan Hodgkin, O.M., F.R.S., for the scientific inspiration and unselfish practical help which he gave to the Association during the ten years of his Presidency. It also warmly thanks Dr J. H. S. Blaxter, Prof. H. Charnock, Mr E. B. Cowell and Prof. W. D. P. Stewart who retired after three years and Prof. J. Llewellyn after two years service on the Council as elected members.