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Volume 19 - August 2014

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Research Article

Front Cover (OFC, IFC) and matter


Question 3: There is ongoing concern about the extent to which research in environment and development economics makes an impact on real world decisions. What do you see as some ways of maximizing the impact of environment and development economics research on policy decisions?

Front Cover (OFC, IFC) and matter

Back Cover (IBC, OBC) and matter

Front Cover (OFC, IFC) and matter

Back Cover (IBC, OBC) and matter


Question 4: What advice would you give today to a graduate student considering a career in the field of environment and development economics? How does this advice differ from advice you would have given 20 years ago?

Question 5: What do you believe to be the area of environment and development economics which holds the most promise for future research?

Question 6: What are the factors that led you to go into environment and development economics? If you were starting your career today, would you do anything differently?

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