Shorn of wearisome details the recent dispute between Sir James Marchant and the British Film Institute — which acts as liason between the teachers and the Cinema Trade— reveals the disquieting fact that a complete mechanical education is to be part of our conditioned life of tomorrow. The teacher already challenged by robot Radio is to be superseded by the Talkie Educator; and even a Peoples’ Cinema University.
The Cinema Trade offers itself as an instrument in the cause of education; it would say:
‘You teachers know little of film technique, and for our part we know little about teaching; let us collaborate: we will turn out the films you need.'
Could anything be fairer than that? Make friends of the Mammon of Iniquity, of a giant organization involving some five hundred million pounds of capital, and chiefly controlled by an international ring of Jews!
A remarkable article appeared in La Revue Catholique des Idees et des Fails, Feb. 1929, under the title Les Juifs et le Cinema in which we are told that the production and distribution of the film in England, America and most other countries is directed by Jews with the intention of undermining, the Christian Religion. This may or may not be true; but when we recall the Jewish origins of Louis Meyer, Samuel Goldwin, Szarwassy, C. F. Bernhard, Louis Bernstein, Eisenstein, Eward Stoll, J. W. Rosenthal, Ludwig Plattner, Lupu Pick, Harry Day Levy, Denman, Hyams, Woolfe. to name but a few, there seems little doubt that the power behind the film trade is largely Jewish.