One hundred and two Large White × Landrace Fl hybrid sows were allocated over four parities in a factorial design to two levels of target P2 backfat thickness at parturition (20 mm, F v. 12 mm, T), two levels of lactation feeding {ad libitum, H v. 3 kg/day, L), and two sizes of sucking litter (six v. 10). Sows attained 13 mm P2 when first mated at 126 kg live weight. Fatness (P2, mm) at weaning was significantly influenced by target fatness at parturition (14·2 v. 9·3), lactation feeding level (13·7 v. 10·0), and litter size (12·7 v. 11·0). Changes in backfat (P2, mm) during 28-day lactation were significantly influenced by target fatness at parturition (—5·0 v. —2·5), lactation feeding (-2 0 v. —5·4), and litter size (—2·9 v. -4·6). Sow live weight (kg) at weaning was significantly influenced by target fatness at parturition (211 v. 192), lactation feeding (218 v. 186), and litter size (208 v. 196). Changes in live weight (kg) during 28-day lactation were significantly influenced by target fatness at parturition (—26 v. — 12), lactation feeding (—5 v. —31), and litter size (—12 v. —25). With multiparous sows only, total food intake during 28-day lactation was negatively related to total food intake in pregnancy. Change in backfat (P2, mm) during 28-day lactation = -0·28 - 0·27 P2 at parturition + 0·04 lactation food intake — 0·50 litter size. Change in live weight (kg) during 28-day lactation = -3·8 — 0·15 live weight post partum + 0·36 lactation food intake — 3·3 litter size. Sows with target fat levels of 20 mm P2 at parturition had better food conversion efficiencies than sows with target fat levels of 12 mm. Target fatness at parturition, and especially lactation food intake, but not litter size, significantly influenced the interval (days) from weaning to oestrus in parity 1 (9·1 v. 14·2 and 7·8 v. 15·3, but 11·6 v. 11·5), while n i subsequent parities only litter size influenced the interval (days) from weaning to oestrus (6·0 v. 8·0). Birth weight (kg) of piglets was influenced only marginally by target fatness at parturition (1·4 v. 1·2) in parity 1, and not by the other factors, or in subsequent parities. Piglet growth rate was affected by both target fatness at parturition and litter size, but by lactation feeding level only in the last week of lactation. The relationship between fatness at weaning (mm) and the weaning to oestrus interval (days) for primiparous sows can be expressed as 26·6 — 1·28 P2. High level feeding in lactation imparted production and efficiency benefit in both primiparous and multiparous sows, while pregnancy feeding to a target of 20 mm rather than 12 mm at parturition was of benefit for primiparous sows.