Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is capable of adapting to multiple environments and tolerating abiotic stresses including saline, drought and frost stress conditions. However, the introduction of quinoa into new environments has disclosed adaptation challenges. The principle factor affecting crop pollination is heat stress at flowering, which leads to sterile plants. To investigate the effect of high temperatures during the sensitive phenological phases, flowering and seed germination, a Danish-bred cultivar (cv. Titicaca) was grown in climatic chambers. Selection of the cv. Titicaca was based on the fact that it is the most extensively used cultivar in the Sahel and Middle East and North African region. The results of this research demonstrated that temperatures exceeding 38 °C hindered seed germination and pollination, and therefore, seed yield at harvest. At 38 °C, seed yield losses were 30%, whilst seed germination percentage declined below 50%. In addition, the results of the present research were compared with field observations from Burkina Faso in order to determine the spatiotemporal suitability of this crop with respect to temperature stress. Although many other abiotic stresses need to be considered when defining crop calendars (e.g. heavy precipitation in July and August), this research proposes the following growing periods to avoid heat-stress conditions at flowering: Sahel (July–September and November–February), Soudano–Sahel (June–February) and Soudanian zone (all year round).