Although the uses and merits of terrestrial insects as indicators
been extensively discussed, there is a lack
of clear definition, goal directedness and hypothesis testing in studies
the field. In an attempt to redress
some of these issues and outline an approach for further studies, three
categories of terrestrial insect
indicators, corresponding to differences in their application, are proposed,
i.e. environmental, ecological and
biodiversity indicators. The procedures in terrestrial insect bioindicator
studies should start with a clear
definition of the study objectives and proposed use of the bioindicator,
well as with a consideration of the
scale at which the study is to be carried out. Bioindication studies are
conducted at a variety of spatial and
temporal scales within the context of earth-system processes, but the
objectives of the study will largely
determine the scale at which it would be optimally conducted. There is
tendency for studies to be
conducted below their space-time scaling functions, giving them apparent
predictability. The selection of
potential indicator taxa or groups is then based on a priori
suitability criteria, the identification of predictive
relationships between the indicator and environmental variables and, most
importantly, the development
and testing of hypotheses according to the correlative patterns found.
Finally, recommendations for the use
of the indicator in monitoring should be made. Although advocating rigorous,
long-term protocols to identify
indicators may presently be questionable in the face of the urgency with
which conservation decisions have
to be made, this approach is critical if bioindicators are to be used with
any measurable degree of confidence.