Recent particle-in-cell simulations of the stimulated Brillouin
backscattering (SBBS) of electromagnetic radiation have shown that even at
sub-relativistic intensities (Iλ2 =
1016 Wμm2/cm2) non-drifting
solitary waves, “solitons” for short, are easily produced, and
remain almost unchanged all along the simulation time, typically for
several thousands of optical cycles. They appear in the form of stable
local concentrations of electromagnetic radiation trapped inside
quasi-neutral density holes. The plasma density inhomogeneity associated
with their presence disrupts the resonant SBBS amplification. The
cavitation process is accompanied by strong electron and ion heating. The
physical characteristics of such solitons are discussed and they are
compared with the theoretical predictions of an analytical model for
localized solution of the Maxwell equations in warm plasma.