Previous research in Australia has inferred that materialism and its possession-defined ‘Success’ subtheme described by Richins and Dawson (1992) has characteristics in common with specific Type A behaviour including competitiveness and aggression. Given that Australian materialists appear to have similar inclinations to their North American counterparts, assumptions by the latter that materialism and Type A behaviour fall under the same cultural value of work and wealth might also be applicable in Australia. Hence, the present study aims to explore the relationship between materialism and Type A behaviour, with psychometric measures of each administered to 193 Australian participants. Scores on Materialism were positively correlated with Type A behaviours, while the Success subscale was only significantly correlated with the second Type A item, assessing competitiveness. However, while materialistic pursuits might provide a culturally sanctioned outlet for competitive behaviours deriving from existing Type A personalities, it could also be argued that contemporary consumer society encourages such behaviours.