Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 December 2020
1 PMLA, LxIv (Sept. 1949), 724–745.
2 On the other hand, when she says (p. 739) that, according to me, the “Cid was even greater than the other two plays”, she is drawing upon her imagination. I certainly never supposed that Jerusalem Delivered is a play, and I have not claimed that the Cid was greater than the Italian works merely because Richelieu thought it interested a wider audience. There is no evidence that Médêe was a failure, as Sister A. implies (p. 726). Her reference to me on the same page is misleading. What I admit as a possibility is presented as if I agreed with Van Roosbroeck, whose theory I was attacking; cf. Part II, p. 120 of my History. The hypothesis of Corneille's withdrawal from the Five Authors, which Sister A. accepts (p. 727), is probably based on a misprint; cf. my History, Part II, pp. 205–206.
3 Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1936.