Noam Chomsky,The Minimalist Program.
(Current Studies in Linguistics 28.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
1995. Pp. 420.
The Minimalist Program, by Noam Chomsky, is a collection of
four articles,
‘The Theory of Principles and Parameters’ (written with Howard
13–127), ‘Some notes on Economy of Derivation and representation’
(129–166), ‘A Minimalist Program for linguistic theory’
(167–217), and
‘Categories and transformations’ (219–394). The first
three articles have
appeared elsewhere, and are reprinted here with minor revisions. The fourth
was circulated in manuscript form earlier in 1995 and is commonly referred
to as ‘Chapter four’. The volume opens with an
‘Introduction’ (1–11) and
closes with a general bibliography and an index (395–420).
The work collected here is based on material presented by Chomsky, and
discussed by participating students, faculty, and visitors, in Chomsky's
term lecture-seminars at MIT in the period of 1986 through 1994.
For those who have ever wanted to attend these class lectures, but were
never in the
position to, this is a must read. The MIT Press is to be commended for
having made this collection available in such an exemplary inexpensive