Volume 30 - March 2015
Topic: EPW07 – e-Poster Walk Session 07: Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation and Psychoeducation
Article: 0856
Effectiveness of Group Intervention for Caregivers of Persons with First Episode Psychosis
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0857
Compliance to Dbt Skills Training Among a Sample of Egyptian Female Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW03 – e-Poster Walk Session 03: Cultural Psychiatry,Promotion of Mental Health, Migration and Mental Health of Immigrants,Prevention and Mental Disorders
Article: 0858
Polyvictimization and Its Effects On Mental Health Problems Among Immigrant and Native Adolescents in Catalonia
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW03 – e-Poster Walk Session 03: Cultural Psychiatry, Promotion of Mental Health, Migration and Mental Health of Immigrants, Prevention and Mental Disorders
Article: 0859
Immigration and Mental Health in Southern Spain
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0860
Pathological Structural Changes at Migrants' Families
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0861
Acculturation and Migration: Language- Proficiency Among Immigrant Psychiatric Patients in Italy
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW01 – e-Poster Walk Session 01: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mental Retardation part 1
Article: 0862
Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults with Intellectual Disability: How Are We Doing with Diagnosis and Treatment?
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0863
Phelan-mcdermid Syndrome in an Adult Female with Mild Intellectual Disability
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW16 – e-Poster Walk Session 16: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mental Retardation part 2
Article: 0864
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health Problems Among Prisoners
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW25 – e-Poster Walk Session 25: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Mental Retardation part 3
Article: 0865
Development of a Global Assessment of Functioning Scale in People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW07 – e-Poster Walk Session 07: Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation and Psychoeducation
Article: 0866
Cognitive Training as a Method of Rehabilitation in Clinical Practice
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0867
How Effective Are Cognitive Oriented Approaches in Neurodegenerative Disorders?- a Clinical Study
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0868
Multidimensional Approach in Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0869
A Sporting Rehabilitation Program Designed with Users with Severe Mental Problems
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW22 – e-Poster Walk Session 22: Schizophrenia part 2
Article: 0870
Increased Novel Object Recognition by Reduced VGLUT3 in CA1-3 of Schizophrenia Rat Model: Effects of Bacoside a and B
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW09 – e-Poster Walk Session 09: Schizophrenia part 1
Article: 0872
How We Understand Hallucinations (HUSH)
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW22 – e-Poster Walk Session 22: Schizophrenia part 2
Article: 0873
Social Representations of Schizophrenia in the General Population and in a Population of Schizophrenic Patients
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Article: 0874
Are Urinay Tract Infections Associated with Acute Episodes of Schizophrenia?
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW32 – e-Poster Walk Session 32: Schizophrenia part 3
Article: 0875
Training Multi-disciplinary Team to Work On Motivational Enhancement with Schizophrenia Patients: Effects of Staff's Skills and Attitudes
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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Topic: EPW09 – e-Poster Walk Session 09: Schizophrenia part 1
Article: 0876
Self-management Patterns in Chinese People with Schizophrenia – Cluster Analysis
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- 15 April 2020, p. 1
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