Basing on a systematic approach to assessing the results of a comprehensive clinical, clinical and psychological psychodiagnostic investigation of 605 patients with acute physical condition, had been established clinical model of phenomenology and pathogenetic mechanisms of formation of mental sphere disturbances. Basing on the clinical data had been identified clinical variants of mental disorders development depending on the degree of severity: somatogenically, due to asthenic syndrome nosogenic reactions of psychological maladjustment, nosogenic neurotic disorders. Had been determined pathogenetic mechanisms of mental disorders, taking into account the stratification of various parts, highlighted psychophysiologic level, emotional functioning, motivation, personal performance. Design and implementation of integrative and differentiated system of early medical and psychological support of patients with acute physical condition based on the principles of phasing, consistency and comprehensiveness, its effectiveness had been evaluated from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine.
Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.