The European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees (EFPT) represents the consensus of psychiatric trainees across more than 30 European countries, advocating for the improvement of the psychiatry training regardless of the country.
The current challenges in the psychiatry training that trainees face at the European level will be presented; discussing the attitudes and opinions of the psychiatric trainees in the light of EFPT studies.
Recently, the EFPT has developed a cross-sectional multicentre study, collecting data from trainees across 33 European countries, inquiring them on the conditions to be improved in their country regarding Psychiatry, such as: academic (training or educational opportunities), professional network (team work, cooperation), work (employment, conditions, workload) and financial (salaries); having been reported their attitudes and experiences of mobility and migration.
Indeed the EFPT supports trainees going across borders through the EFPT Exchange Program. Moreover, being highly skilled brain migration a current trend, the EFPT has as well investigated deeply this topic.
Likewise, the EFPT aims to research the aspects of postgraduate training in European countries in collaboration with Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS) in an effort to find solutions to the lack of training standards.
This future approach is expected to facilitate the harmonization of psychiatric training in Europe, so important nowadays, especially given the increase of mobility opportunities and marked migration trends of professionals across countries.
Enhancing and harmonizing the training can afterwards take an effect towards improving the similarities of the mental healthcare internationally.