p. 92, col. 1, for δ⋯ατοι read δ⋯αται. col. 2, for ‘in the middle of the refrain’ read ‘by the refrain.’
p. 105, col. 1, for ‘Sanskrit -māná, corresponding generally to -μενο, is always oxytone’ read ‘Sanskrit-māná was probably at first oxytone, as in sasrmāná though these participles have regularly taken the accent of the present stem, as yájamāna : but this accentuation is almost certainly un-origina!.’
p. 114, heading, εfor νικ⋯φορος read νικηφ⋯ρος, 1. 16, for οὐκ ἂν ⋯σχολο⋯η read οὐ π⋯νομς ⋯⋯σει
p. 121, col. 2, 1. 14, for ‘and fraglare = flagrare kept its form and sense till the African Latin, appeared, when it became fraglare’ read ‘are discussed. To avoid the repetition of r, fragrare got changed in vulgar speech either into flagrare or fraglare; and the confusion was increased when the latter form came to be used abo in the sense of ‘burn,’ as in Fronto and other Africans,’