On June 30, 2000, at the conclusion of its fifth session, the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court (Preparatory Commission or commission) completed the first phase of its work with the adoption of draft Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence (Rules). The first five sessions took place from February 16 to 26, July 26 to August 13, and November 29 to December 17,1999, and from March 13 to 31, and J u n e 12 to 30, 2000.
On July 17, 1998, the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of the International Criminal Court (Diplomatic Conference) had adopted the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Statute). At the same time, it decided “to take all possible measures to ensure the coming into operation of the International Criminal Court without undue delay and to make the necessary arrangements for the commencement of its functions,” purposes for which it established the Preparatory Commission.