Herbicide applications prior to turf renovation often fail to provide complete control of perennial warm-season turfgrass species like seashore paspalum. Surface applications of dazomet at 506 kg/ha provided > 90% POST control of ‘SeaDwarf’ seashore paspalum turf in 2008. Although applications of glyphosate at 5.6 kg/ha or fluazifop-P-butyl at 0.42 kg/ha induced significant injury, these treatments provided < 40% POST control of SeaDwarf seashore paspalum turf 10 wk after initial treatment (WAIT) in 2008. A similar response was noted following applications of glyphosate plus fluazifop-P-butyl at rates of 5.6 kg/ha and 0.42 kg/ha, respectively. POST control following applications of glyphosate at 5.6 kg/ha plus fluazifop-P-butyl at 0.42 kg/ha, prior to applying dazomet at 506 kg/ha, was not different from that which was observed following applications of dazomet alone at 506 kg/ha. These data suggest that granular applications of dazomet alone, at 506 kg/ha, can be used to provide effective control of SeaDwarf seashore paspalum prior to renovation.