In maize plastids, transcripts are known to be modified at
27 C-to-U RNA editing sites, affecting the expression of 15
different genes. The relative contribution of editing efficiency
versus transcript abundance in regulation of chloroplast gene
expression has previously been analyzed for only a few genes.
We undertook a comprehensive analysis of the editing efficiency
of each of the 27 maize editing sites in 10 different maize
tissues, which contain a range of plastid types including
chloroplasts, etioplasts, and amyloplasts. Using a reproducible
poisoned primer extension assay, we detected variation between
RNA editing extent of different sites in the same transcript
in the same tissue, and between the same site in different tissues.
The most striking editing deficiency is in an editing site in
ndhB that is edited at only 8% and 1% in roots and
callus plastids respectively, whereas green leaf chloroplasts
edit this site at 100%. Editing efficiencies of some sites are
not affected by the developmental stages we examined and are
always edited close to 80–100%. The relative amounts of
transcripts of each of the 10 genes that exhibited variable
editing extents were determined by real-time PCR. Seven genes
exhibited over 100 times lower transcript abundance in either
roots or tissue-cultured cells relative to green leaf tissue.
The quantitative analysis indicates that a particular editing
site can be efficiently edited over a large range of transcript
abundance, resulting in no general correlation of transcript
abundance and editing extent. The independent variation of editing
efficiency of different sites within the same transcript fits
with a model that postulates individual trans-acting
factors specific to each editing site. Because tissues where
editing efficiency at certain sites is low invariably also
exhibited greatly decreased abundance of the transcripts carrying
those sites, decrease in the amounts of particular RNAs rather
than a lack of editing is predicted to have the most significant
impact on gene expression under steady-state conditions. Our
data is consistent with the hypothesis that the role of editing
in angiosperm plastids is to correct otherwise detrimental
mutations rather than to generate significant protein diversity.