The European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response andRecovery (NERIS Platform) was established in June 15, 2010. The Mission of NERIS is topromote the involvement of different stakeholders and improve public confidence incapabilities of the key players in management of nuclear and radiological emergencies inEurope. The NERIS Platform encourages European, national, regional and local authorities,technical support organisations (TSOs), operators, professional organisations, researchinstitutes, universities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and national and localstakeholders to co-operate in emergency management, and to facilitate access to expertiseand technology in maintaining competence in the field of nuclear and radiologicalemergency management for the benefit of European countries and citizens. The vision isthat by 2015, the self-sustaining NERIS association exists, and by 2020, all Europeanorganisations being members of the association are sharing common views and commonapproaches and are developing and using compatible technology and methods for consequencemanagement of the emergencies. The NERIS Platform has, in September 2012, 43 memberorganisations representing stakeholders with a wide range of backgrounds, e.g.authorities, emergency centres, research organisations and the academiccommunity. The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), being under preparation, will provide thebasis for priorities of future research and development in order to achieve the vision.The SRA therefore will communicate the future research needs, but will also be aninstrument for creating synergies, co-operation and coordination internally between theNERIS participants and externally with activities taking place within other internationalforums.