Measurements:Quality of life was measured using the Stroke Scale Quality of Life. Resilience was assessed using the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale. Other validated measurement instruments included the modified Rankin Scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. A multilevel model was used for the analysis of repeated measurements and to determine the association between resilience and quality of life.
Results:Quality of life scores significantly improved over the 6 months after discharge (B = 7.31, p < .0001). The multilevel model indicated that resilience was positively correlated with the course of quality of life (B = .133, p < .0001), independent of stroke severity (B = −.051, p = .0006), neurological function (B = −.577, p < .0001), hospitalization days (B = .023, p = .0099), anxiety (B = −.100, p =< .0001), depression (B = −.149, p < .0001), time (B = .360, p < .0001), and the interactions of time with hospitalization days (B = −.008, p = .0002), neurological function (B = .021, p < .0024), depression (B = −.014, p = .0273), and time (B = −.031, p < .0001).