Risk minimization is a main objective for the farmer in the Sahel, as the probability of insufficient and erratic rainfall is high. Considering the precarious situation of the Sahelian farmer, any development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) should be based on traditional farming systems. The need is emphasized for training of personnel dealing directly with farmers. Pesticide use is common in the Sahel and these chemicals are often available free of charge. Therefore, considerable attention should be given to training of personnel of crop protection services, in management of pesticides and environmental toxicology. The research institutes, crop protection services, extension services, and the training centres are all in need of personnel with higher, middle and lower levels of training and have great difficulty in satisfying these needs. In national agricultural schools and universities the development of adequate and locally applicable curricula should be stressed, that includes crop protection; lecturers should be trained for this purpose. Regional training centres may have an important function in providing high standard training at different levels, and in generating IPM information. In the Sahel, the regional training centre for crop protection is based in Niger as an integral part of a large crop protection programme of CILSS (Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel). The activities planned for the near future are described.