Research was conducted to formulate a temperature-dependent population level model for johnsongrass seed germination and rhizome bud break. A nonlinear poikilotherm rate equation was used to describe development rate as a function of temperature, and a temperature-independent Weibull function was used to distribute development times for the population. Seed germination and initiation of rhizome bud break of johnsongrass were collected under constant temperature conditions to parameterize the model. Seed germination rate increased with temperature up to 36 C, then declined at 40 C. Rate of rhizome bud break increased with temperature up to 32 C, then rapidly decreased with further temperature increases. Rate of rhizome bud break was higher than for seed germination at temperatures of 32 C or below, but lower at higher temperatures. Time to first germination or bud break event was longer for seed than for rhizomes, but subsequent progression of development was higher for seed. A population level temperature-dependent model was developed by coupling the poikilotherm equation with the Weibull function. The model was validated against two independent seed germination and three independent rhizome bud germination data sets.