The 138 species and subspecies of Ephemeroptera now known to occur in Mexico, of which 35, approximately 25 %, areendemic, are listed along with distributional annotations. New Mexican records are included for Americabaetis lugoi Waltz &McCafferty, Baetodes velmae Cohen & Allen, Drunella coloradensis (Dodds), Farrodes otiesa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty,Plauditus virilis (McDunnough), Tricorythodes fictus Traver, T. texanus Traver, and Varipes lasiobrachius Lugo-Ortiz &McCafferty, the latter of which also constitutes a new continental record for the genus Varipes Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty inNorth America. Traverella sallei (Navás), n. comb., is transferred from the genus Thraulus.