The Vogan sheep (VS), a crossbreed between Djallonke sheep (DS) and sahelian sheep (SS), is a unique sheep breed in Togo. It is highly valued for its performances but its breeding is very localized in southeastern of Togo. The objective of this study was to update the breed's phenotypic characterization and to compare VS phenotypic features with those of parental populations (DS and SS). For this purpose, morphological data were collected in January 2013 from 206 animals in Vô, Kloto and Agou prefectures (Togo) and in May 2013 from 30 SS in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Results showed that the coat colour was very variable. Horn shape was also variable but was generally prismatic and outward-oriented, present in all rams and fine or remains of them in ewes. Quantitative traits such as height at withers, body length, chest circumference, tail length, ear length, space between the horns and chest depth showed that VS traits are smaller than SS traits but are significantly superior when compared to DS traits. Most VS characters were influenced by geographic location (p < 0,05). This study confirmed the “intermediate” status of VS. The sustainable use of VS needs molecular characterization and a dissemination programme.